Reporters’ Resource new year/new you stories

Who wouldn’t love to become a better version of themselves? With that in mind, we’ve compiled three unique new year/new you story angles below. 

Are you working on another type of story? If you’re not finding what you need please let us know and we’ll try to accommodate you. 


Cleaner living in 2024: A hot detox trend among celebrities and healthcare practitioners 

Having more energy, and looking and feeling great, would help any of us power through the new year! Plus, a lifestyle detox is probably a priority for many in the coming year. 

A tiny little molecule called glutathione, produced naturally by the body, can help do that and more. Volumes of research confirm that glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, plays a pivotal role in the body’s detoxification process and it has anti-aging properties, among other pretty remarkable benefits. 

Here’s the catch: Our glutathione levels diminish with age, illness, poor diet, etc. Glutathione supplements can be problematic. Sought-after pharmacist and wellness expert Nayan Patel has developed a first-of-its-kind sub-nano technology, available as Glutaryl, that optimizes absorption and efficacy delivers glutathione to the body more potently than ever before. 

Dr. Patel works closely with celebrities and healthcare professionals. “Dr. Nayan Patel has been a trusted health advisor for mine and Sage’s personal wellness journey. His transformative glutathione doesn’t deal with quick fixes, but instead with healing the entire body,” says Tony Robbins, author, coach, speaker and philanthropist. 

Dr. Patel can speak to numerous healthy aging topics including:

  • How to slow the aging process and refresh energy levels
  • How our exposure to everyday hidden toxins impacts our overall wellness 
  • Foods we should eat, and avoid, to boost energy levels and get more restful sleep


This healthy resolution that doesn’t require breaking a bad habit

Most new year’s resolutions involve changing a hard-to-break habit. We’ll stop smoking. Join a gym. Follow a new diet. We set big goals that require lifestyle changes. It’s no wonder that an estimated 80% of resolutions fail by mid-February. This year, how about making a resolution that only requires doing something we already do every day: sleep! Most of us need more of it. 

“Sleeping fewer than six hours on a regular basis is a health concern,” confirms highly accomplished neurologist Dan Cohen, MD, who has dedicated his career to helping people sleep better. “Decades of research, involving millions of people, show that chronic sleep deprivation is associated with increased risks of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and dementia.”

Just as you might buy a stationary bike to help you get in shape, or subscribe to a weekly meal delivery plan to lose weight, Cohen has introduced an effective system to help manage sleep and stress. The best part? It’s available for about the price of a high-tech treadmill. 

Cohen, a Diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, can speak to numerous sleep and health topics, including:

  • Why we have trouble sleeping as we age
  • What is delta wave sleep and how much of it do we need to stay healthy? 
  • What are effective ways to calm our minds when we feel stressed? 


Resolving to be a more socially responsible consumer in 2024

There are an estimated 46.9 million enslaved people around the world. Most are women and young girls. In addition to sexual slavery, wage exploitation and other human rights abuses are rampant. 

Today, more consumers are motivated to buy their favorite products from companies that have pledged slavery-free supply chains. Teaching them how is certified human rights consultant, award-winning human rights activist and author Jánelle Marina Méndez Viera, a former U.S. Marine. 

Viera can also speak to: 

  • Actions companies can take to clean up their supply chains.
  • Her own history of sexual slavery, and how at just 33 years old, she has already lobbied for and achieved changes in nearly every level of government.  
  • The human rights violations documented in her book, “The Pathway Towards Peace: U.S. Human Rights Manifesto.”


We are available to help with any of these, or related, stories. Feel free to reach out to us!